Sunday, April 22, 2012

Poster #2 Complete!

After 4 days of working on the second poster, it's finally done!
I decided to use 6 different colors and that made it far more complicated than it originally was...cause if you want a fast result (not wait for a week for every color to dry), you basically need to remove every word out of the frame, apply paint on it and put it back...carefully so it doesn't touch the other words with other colors. Approximately, it took me about 45 minutes to apply 1 round of paint...accompanied with a lot of issues, of course.

 5 colors + black which I was using. I was very happy with the result of light blue and violet :D
 First time getting violet INTENTIONALLY xD
 this was the last black/white test print. Everything underlayed properly. :)
 the colorful frame.

 and voila - the first multicolored poster.
 the 2nd out of 5 final EVS posters :D
 the 5 chosen ones - I actually printed 27 additional posters while testing and editing...but only these 5 in color after I've seen that I'm ready to print the last ones.
and a view with Gutenberg as well :P

So, 2 done and 3 more to go. Tomorrow I'm starting on the 3rd one and final for this month. That will leave me 2 more for May and my EVS is completed :D.


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