Sunday, August 28, 2011

visiting Johan Liiv house museum and Alatskivi castle

Today we went on a trip to visit this museum of a famous Estonian writer - Johan Liiv

 an old well
this was the sign for the exhibition house/museum

This place had very nice countryside...but the most interesting part of the trip was definately the castle:

 and I look forward to visiting it again...maybe buy some souveniers :)
 the Alatskivi castle

 and there's a park outdoors

 the lighting was quite bad, but I managed to take a few snapshots of the interior :)
 the royal stairs - you actually feel kinda royal while stepping on them :)
 an old clock
 view from the back balcony - an aimshot garden :D 
 a marmor caffee table
 a field in front of the castle
 me in front of a mirror
 the music room
 and a contrabass

 the servant's outfit, I guess :)

 me on the stairs, but with bad lighting
 the view of the entire castle
 some rock XD
 rear side of the castle
 balcony - right
 balcony - left

All in all, the place was astonishing...such grandeur :)
After the castle we planned to go to the lake Peipsi - the biggest lake in Estonia, but the bushes kept us from seing it -.-
Well, never mind...I will visit it, sooner or later :)


  1. Hi, it seems you have a great time over there.
    That castle looks like Vlads Tepeš house.

  2. hahahaha...yeah, it kind of resembles XD
    But it is a truly remarkable place :)
